

What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Undertaking such a large research project was always going to be a struggle but it has been beneficial in several ways. Firstly I would like to highlight how it encouraged me heavily to attempt contact with designers and thinkers who previously I may have been overly cautious to message. This meant an increased amount of primary research that previously I may not have collected. This applies not only to messages but to real life events, meetings etc. In terms of the work itself, I have learnt a great deal about communication theory, something highly applicable to my practice. The discoveries are better stated within the work itself however. 

Due to the nature of a dissertation, I felt my academic writing has improved dramatically, say if it were compared to the first year CoP module especially. My ability to triangulate and construct arguments has improved and it began to take the shape of a real piece of research, unlike some of the more unsuccessful attempts of the past.

In terms of the practical, I believe it showed a good grasp of how to transfer my newly acquired theoretical knowledge into a synthesised proposal for practical applications. 

What strengths and weaknesses can you identify in your work?

I've already mentioned the new found confidence to gain primary sources for my research that I plan to implement into the extended practice module from this point forward. The written element as a whole became the strength of this module, mainly due I think to a bias sharing of time to that part of the project (that in hindsight was a weakness to the module as a whole). The final idea for the practical element I felt was strong, it just needed more time to apply everything I wanted. For example I would of much rather of created the work for the article instead of only being able to propose it but struggled to get subjects on board for the photography. This is my main regret of the entire project. Though I do plan to continue with the proposed article on the side of my extended practice module. This also means I fully intend to take my theory learnt here into practice, now and on going, into the future.

Final Boards


3 Questions - Tim Wan

On the quest to gather primary research for this project, It seemed beneficial to gather the opinions of people involved in the production of COLORS magazine. 

Tim Wan works as an Associate Art Director and Designer. Through an e-mail conversation I asked him 3 questions relating to shock and gained a small insight into their process. 

Theory into Practice - Rationale

As revealed and ultimately understood through my Research project, shock requires a disruption of the social norm. This is not necessarily to say this needs to be the more immediate responses to what, as a society, we find shocking in certain contexts. For example exposure to graphic images in public spaces is unusual, therefore disrupting the social norm. 

Taking this theoretical premise forward I would like to attempt to use shock for a positive means. Chosen for this is the topic of religion in British society. Muslims are regularly portrayed negatively and segregated by the media. One search for 'British muslims at home' on Google produces images of extremists, protesters and terrorists. It works to alienate another culture and further solidify negative stereotypes.

Media created social norm
In order to do this I plan to document members of different faiths all undertaking the same domestic tasks. For example drinking a cup of tea/coffee, doing the ironing etc. Hence, highlighting the commonalities shared on an everyday level. Aiming to focus on the humanistic agenda of every person involved.

To apply this in context, I have chosen to create a COLORS article on the subject, with aims to continue this work into an exhibition or other method of delivery. This also ties in the work again with the research project. 

CoP3 - Initial Project Plan

Initial Project plan. Laid the foundations of the work but as is plain to see from reading the finished paper it morphed into a slightly different beast. COLORS magazine was change to Benetton as it provided a larger well of research to draw from and was more applicable to the subject of shock. In order to streamline the title, it was shortened to 'The Use of Shock in Communication. This gave it a direct theoretical focus.

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