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Publication. Development.

After I'd decided roughly on a visual aesthetic and content derived from my contextual references I could begin to think about the format and layout of the actual publication. 

Originally I had planned to print these dancing forms on a bongo skin as a cover. Unfortunately the bongo skin I found came in the post a day before printing after the screens had already been set up and when cropped down to the document dimensions was too small. It resulted in the corners being cut which didn't fit right with the feel of the rest of the publication. This meant I had to make some adjustments during printing to allow for this error. 

Once I had my fold out format I could arrange my main content and then illustrate the smaller figures around the text to give me an overall composition.

Typographically I'd already decided on a style of text which had an expressionist feel and was popular around the time of the Jazz boom.  

 Obviously some things change in transition to the final and it's nothing like what I originally had in mind but I feel it shows strong contextual reference and thought resulting in something which visually owes its roots to jazz.

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